Personal Development
Phoenix Bay School offers a Personal Development programme which aims to support the ambitions and aspirations of all students. This includes an individualised Careers and Work Experience programme in addition to the SMSC, PSHCE and RSE Curriculum.
Each week during breakfast time, there is an allocated day for a Student Voice discussion, a British Values topic and an SMSC theme of the week in order to prepare students to become functional members of society in adulthood.
Phoenix Bay School organises regular offsite visits and trips, including for collapsed timetable days:

Preparation for adulthood
The Phoenix Bay focus on personal development, self-regulation and preparing for the world of work represents key components in preparing our students for adulthood.
We are dedicated to ensuring that all our students are well-prepared for future employment opportunities and further education by providing a diverse range of qualifications and awards.
Our students have the opportunity to pursue qualifications at various levels, including Entry Level, Functional Skills, GCSE, and vocational qualifications.
Additionally, students at every stage of their education can attain AQA Unit Awards.